How to link the Compass GUI to a Docker-deployed MongoDB database


MongoDB is an extensively used NoSQL database that can operate well in containers if you understand how to set it up. Discover how to connect the Compass GUI here.

The MongoDB logo on a phone in front of their website. Image: Timon/Adobe Stock MongoDB is among the most widely-used open source NoSQL databases on the marketplace. It uses all the features you need to handle and manage massive troves of data and even offers an official desktop application that makes managing those databases a bit simpler.

SEE: Hiring Set: Database engineer (TechRepublic Premium)

You may believe connecting the GUI application to a Docker-deployed circumstances of MongoDB would be quite challenging, however it’s not almost as difficult as it sounds. In this tutorial, I’ll reveal you how to release the MongoDB container and then link to it from MongoDB Compass.

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What you’ll need to link MongoDB Compass to a containerized database

To make this connection work, you’ll need a running circumstances of an operating system that supports both Docker and the MongoDB Compass app. I’ll show with Ubuntu Linux and show you how to install Docker, release the container and then link Compass to a database. Please note that this procedure is compatible with a variety of Linux distros.

If you’re more interested in basic instructions for setting up MongoDB GUI Compass and connecting it to a remote server, this tutorial might be a much better place to start.

Connecting to MongoDB hosted by means of Docker

The very first thing to do when linking to MongoDB through this method is installing Docker. You can add the official Docker GPG secret with this command:

curl -fsSL|sudo gpg– dearmor -o/ usr/share/keyrings/ docker-archive-keyring. gpg

Next, you’ll include the Docker repository:

echo “deborah [arch=amd64 signed-by=/ usr/share/keyrings/ docker-archive-keyring. gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) steady”|sudo tee/ etc/apt/sources. list.d/ docker.list >/ dev/null

From there, it’s time to set up the essential dependencies with this command:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release -y

In order to set up the current version of the Docker engine, you can utilize the following two commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y

Now, include your user to the Docker group with the following:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in so the changes work.

Releasing and configuring the MongoDB container

We can now deploy the MongoDB container with the following:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017– name example-mongo mongo: latest

With the container running, you’ll need to access it with this command:

docker officer -it example-mongo celebration

When inside the container, we require to edit the MongoDB configuration file with this command:

sudo nano/ etc/mongod. conf.orig

Because file, find the following section:


port: 27017


Modification that section to the following:


port: 27017 bindIp:

Once you have actually made those modifications, conserve and close the file. Exit from the container with the exit command.

From there, restart the container with:

docker reboot ID

In that command, ID is the ID of the Mongo container. If you’re not exactly sure of the ID, you can find it with:

docker ps

Note: You may need to release the MongoDB container with ecological variables for the username and password, which can be done like so:

docker run -d– name some-mongo -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=NAME -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=trick mongo

NAME is a username and trick is a special and strong password.

Linking to Compass

With the MongoDB container running, you can now link to it with Compass using the very same connect command you would utilize if MongoDB were installed via the standard package supervisor and the user credentials you used with the environmental variables.

If you are still not able to connect to the containerized variation of MongoDB from a remote instance of Compass, you may have to install Compass on the same maker running the MongoDB container.

Next actions

Congratulations, you now have a well-designed GUI to assist make your MongoDB admin tasks a bit easier. You can connect to as lots of MongoDB servers as you need to from Compass and begin producing and managing all the MongoDB collections you need.

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