If you’re sitting at your Linux computer and feeling curious about some word or term, you do not need to leap up and get a dictionary. Rather, you can install the dict command and you’ll probably be impressed by the wealth of info that will be readily available to you on the command line.You will be able to find numerous definitions for nearly any term you ask about, typically with considerable depth. Just looking up the word”seven”, I was offered with 4 meanings. They included recommendations to the Pleiades(a star cluster that is likewise referred to as the “7 Sis”), a mention of the 7 wonders of the world, scriptural recommendations to the number 7, a note about how many days are in a week, and a description that seven is one greater than six.The dict command is one of the most widely utilized command-line dictionaries available on Linux and among the most far reaching; it connects to get info from dictionaries that are scattered around the globe.How to use dict to discover definititions To install dict, utilize a command like one of the following
depending upon your Linux distribution:$sudo dnf
install dictd $sudo apt-get install dictd After installing dict myself, I used the command below to count the variety of dictionaries offered to me:$dict-
D|wc-l 167 The output does consists of a heading, but that’s still a lot of resources. The dict -D command will supply the
list of dictionaries offered to you. Here’s the top of the list presented when I asked:$dict-D|head -11 Databases readily available: gcide The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v. 0.48 wn WordNet (r )3.0(2006) moby-thesaurus Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 components The Aspects(07Nov00)vera V.E.R.A.– Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms( February 2016)jargon The Jargon File( version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003) foldoc The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing(30 December 2018) easton Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary hitchcock Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary( late 1800’s )bouvier Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Modified sixth Ed (1856) One of the first things I inquired about was Linux itself. Notice that the definitions consist of pronunciations in addition to the meanings. KEEP IN MIND: The output below is truncated in numerous locations. $dict Linux 3 meanings discovered From WordNet(r )3.0(2006)[ wn]: Linux n 1: an open-source version of the UNIX os From The Lingo File( version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003)[ lingo]: Linux/ lee’ nuhks/,/ li?nuks/, not,/ li:? nuhks/, n. The totally free Unix workalike created by Linus Torvalds and good friends beginning about 1991. The pronunciation/ li’ nuhks/ is chosen since the name? Linus? has an/ ee/ sound in Swedish(Linus’s family becomes part of Finland’s 6%ethnic-Swedish minority)and Linus thinks about English brief/ i/ to be closer to/ ee/ than English long/ i:/. This may be the most exceptional hacker project in history? a whole clone of Unix for 386, 486 and Pentium micros, distributed for free with sources over the net( ports to Alpha and Sparc and lots of other devices are likewise in use). … From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (30 December 2018)[ foldoc]: Linux(“Linus Unix “)/ li ‘nuks/ (but see below)An application of the Unix kernel originally written from scratch without any proprietary code. The kernel works on and hardware in the basic release, with SPARC, , MIPS, … Source