WebAssembly comes to Apache web server


VMware Labs has actually unveiled an extension module for Apache’s popular web server that runs WebAssembly binaries, opening new possibilities for languages and jobs to run securely in Apache.The mod_wasm extension module enables the Apache HTTP Server to respond to HTTP demands with applications compiled to WebAssembly. Internally, mod_wasm uses the Wasmtime secure runtime to configure and run Wasm modules.When an Apache HTTP Server is run with mod_wasm enabled, the Wasm module is preloaded into memory as part of a process to accelerate demand handling by not filling the Wasm module from scratch whenever a request is received.Unveiled on

GitHub previously this month, mod-wasm is composed of 2 libraries: mod_wasm. so, which provides an interface between the Apache C API and Rust library to handle the Wasm runtime. This library is accountable for Apache setup alternatives and the bindings to link the Rust library with Apache. libwasm. _ runtime.so, which gets HTTP requests from Apache

  • , configuring and running the Wasm module. It also parses the reaction and returns control to mod_wasm. so. WebAssembly, or Wasm, is a binary guideline format and stack-based virtual machine that provides high performance for web applications. It was designed as a portable collection target for programming languages consisting of C, C++, and Rust. Copyright © 2022 IDG Communications, Inc. Source
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